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What I've packed!

You're going backpacking for a month! You have a lot of clothes you'd love to take buuuut.... you only have a certain amount of room in your bag! Everyone has the problem of 'packing light', so hopefully this will help you with how much you actually need to pack. 

This is my travel list for Thailand for 29 days!

(All items labelled with a (*) is the things I wanted to carry in my hand luggage)


· Passport* (THE ONLY THING YOU ACTUALLY NEED NEED NEED!!!!).... and these....

· Return flight tickets* (some countries wont allow you through without a return ticket) Check out your location and see if you need a Visa!

· Digital and physical copy of everything*

· Travel Insurance*- this is so handy to have for peace of mind. 

· Money* - keep checking for the best exchange rates as they go up and down daily!

· Bank card*  - Notify bank (3 days before-Friday)

· Student and Id card*

· Injection card*

· Reservations* (All these documents, I've decided to keep in a A5 transparent plastic wallet so everything is kept together.)


· Chargers* (DO NOT FORGET!) 

· Phone* (DITO^^)

· Camera

· Go pro and accessories;

Tripod, waterproof case,  

· Plug converter -you can get these literally anywhere!

· Extension lead (if you buy 1 adapter plug and 1 extension lead you have more plugs to use without spending loads on adapter plugs).  


Sterilizing water tablets - might be something you'd like to consider in a country that's not so environmentally treated as well as your own. 

Mosquito tablets/ spray- if you go onto the "fitfortravel" website and type in your location it gives you a map of where Mosquitos are likely to be. Also what other diseases and things to look out for are etc. Best website I've been on when trying to find out things about health.   

· First aid kit;

Plasters, pain killers, bandages, anti-septic cream

· Laxatives (the change in diet might seem odd to your body) 

· Diarrhoea tablets (dito for above^^)

· Vitamins

· Any medication - prescribed to you in the box it came in- with your name and address on it. (to be safe). 

· Sore throat sweets

· Insect repellent

· Sickness tablets- the last thing you want is to be suffering while you're away from home! also jet lag does some funny things to people!


· Hair brush

· Tooth brush and paste and floss* - I'll keep this in my hand luggage as I have two over night flights before arriving at my destination! (remember that all liquids must be under 10ml and kept in a small transparent plastic bag when going through air port checks etc).  

· Shampoo and conditioner

· Light Towel - (I'm bringing an old towel with me so it can be chucked at the end to make room for goodies I find a long the way!)

· Nail clippers

· Hand sanitizer* - you're in a new place, you're constantly going to be observing, touching and trying new things- even street food so stay clean as the last thing you want is to be sick on your travels! 

· Lip balm with SPF and Aloa Vera*

· Shaver

· Perfume (Remember that you're going through duty free at the airport so there might be some nice perfumes there!) 

· Deodorant- you'll need this for all the walking you're going to do

· Hair ties and clips

· Flannel/ scrubbing poof

· Baby wipes - ALWAYS USEFUL!   

· Small make-up bare essentials kit- with the hot sun, we don't want our foundation sinking into our pores! Embrace your natural beauty girls and guys! (BUT you'll be thankful for waterproof mascara)  


· After sun- DITO^^ (and acts like a 2 in 1 for moisturizer too.)

· Cotton buds- these are easily forgotten.  

· Contacts, liquid and case (If needed)

· Glasses and case* (dito^^)


· Swimwear x 3 - its a hot country okaaay, gosh!! 

· Vests x 3 - make sure these all match with your shorts,skirts and trousers. Gives you more options for outfits.

· Long sleeved shirt x 1- for visiting temples. (be respectful)

· Long trousers x 1- dito ^^

· Shorts x 2

· Skirt x 1

· Dress x 1- tough choice!

· P.js x 2- one for wearing 1 for washing and drying. 

· Under wear x 5 

· Socks x 5

· Walking shoes/sandals x 1 

· Hiking boots x 1 - break them in before you leave! Saves you a lot of pain.

· Water proof coat x 1 - it still rains in hot countries. 

· Linen Scarf x 1

· Hat x 1

· Sunglasses x 1

For this last list, I'd say none of these are essential but after watching HUNDREDS of YouTube videos, these seem to be the items that seemed extremely useful in some cases. 

· Loose bag - for wandering around markets and shops.Therefore being environmentally friendly as you're not using plastic bags. 

· Water bottle- there's fill up points around Thailand but a bottle of water is roughly 13p to buy so you're probably safer buying fresh water!

· Vegetable peeler- Street markets sell fresh fruit and veg so when you're 'on the go' a veg peeler would come in super handy, especially for a mango lover like myself!   

· Money belt*- (wear this to save space and weight) the main city towns are more well known for pick-pockets, this is a good safety precaution to have for peace of mind.

· Ear plugs* - transportation can get pretty noisy! Sleeper trains! 

· Soap for washing clothes- this goes hand in hand with a portable clothes line- wash your clothes and leave to dry overnight in your room

· Chop sticks - you'll be a master by the end. 

· Bamboo spoon - its rude to eat with a fork in Thailand so a spoon is useful to keep on you- especially as there are LOTS of street food stalls. 

· Note book and pen* - Start a diary!

· Sketchbook and pencils - See something cool? draw it!

· Organising burrito - wires (look these up! best thing ever!) 

· Caribeeners- soooooo useful for clipping items onto your rucksack if by the end you have no room in your bag. 

· Sewing kit- guy or don't want to throw those new shorts away- stitch them!

· Head light- exploring through caves?! ideal.

· Torch

· Travel lock and key and safe- unfortunately people steal things but they cant if you have one of these bad boys. (portable safe is only £20 in Argos at the moment!

· Travel pillow*- if you're planning on travelling far distances then this is recommended.

· Eye mask* 

· Travel apps*

· Map

· Pocket tissues* 

· Playing cards*- there will be times when you're on the same transportation for HOURS! 

· Selfie stick* - no explanation needed for why you need one of these gadgets!

· Linen sleeping bag- if you're jumping from hostel to hostel and the sheets look dodgy then you've always got this to feel clean and comfortable

Liked the list? I will happily send you a PDF version for you to print off. Tick off your items 1 by 1 and Enjoy the journey! Email me to have the PDF sent and don't forget to subscribe and follow my other social media accounts! See You Soon xox

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